Monday, May 18, 2009


Well i'm back to blogland and i'm feeling blah today. As the title reads, "ROCK BOTTOM" i have officially hit it. No, despite what some might say i'm not an alcoholic. No, i'm not addicted to drugs either. I am 100% addicted to food. Desserts to be more specific. I bake, therefore i eat. Should be my slogan.

So rock bottom came after seeing myself nude in a whole new way and realizing that i have packed on the pounds, yet again. I have done weight watchers several times. The first time i was on weight watchers i lost 50 lbs. Yes, 50 and i looked good, but i didn't think i did or something happened. Oh that's right, LIFE HAPPENED! And now 3 years after losing said 50 lbs i've officially packed all 50 lbs back on. Oh it makes me so sad just thinking about it. Anyway, enough of the pity party. I'm done. Rock Bottom came and went and now it's the 1st day of the rest of my life.

Some questions that keep popping in my head:
How does a food addict get over there addiction and still eat?
Why would i let this happen to myself again?
When i was thinner i thought i was so happy, but turns out i wasn't. Why is this?

All of this will be revealed in due time. I am going to start looking for a therapist. Yes, i said it. I have bigger problems than bloggers can handle/help me with.

All of this comes at the perfect time. Today begins my 24 week training program for the Breast Cancer 3 Day walk in November. I'm so excited to be committing myself to this walk. I only hope that the money that we raise really does make a difference in the lives of women and men all over this world who deal with this horrible disease. I'm still fundraising and have a ways to go, but i have total faith and confidence that i will reach my $2300 goal by November. I've already raised $880 so far.

So the training period begins. Last weekend i bought a new pair of New Balance Shoes and i will rack up about 660 miles in those shoes. Today on my training schedule it says to rest, but with my crazy Memorial day weekend i am going to walk tonight after work.

I'll leave you with a picture of my dear friend who encouraged me to join this BC 3Day Walk. She and I have been friends since we met as co-workers when I was only 16 years old. Let's just say that we are coming up on a 14 year friendship. WOW. I love you B! Divas for a Cure is our team. Check out my website

This picture was taken after our first 3 miles walked. We are sporting our new BC t-shirts.

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